Valentin Coudert

33 years old

French Nationality

Engineer in Computer Science


mail e-mail address
mobile phone +33 6 42 41 46 72
linkedin Profile
download CV My CV (PDF): fr


  • French
  • English


  • Android dev
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • PHP
  • C/C++
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • Bootstrap.js
  • PL/SQL
  • MySQL
  • .NET


  • Football
  • Diving
  • Skiing
Currently happy to be Digital Lab consultant at gPartner and not looking for another opportunity :)

Work Experience


Lyon, France. Current position

Digital lab consultant. Developing products with Google technologies (Maps, Cloud, App engine).

Klervi SAS

Lyon, France. 2015/2016 - 14 months

Software Engineer. Full-stack development of web applications for monitoring terminals (fuel pumps, charging stations for eletric vehicles...).
Server part is written in C and based on a custom cross-platforms cross-architectures web server (linux x86 and x64, windows, arm).
Front part is based on a custom javascript framework based on AngularJS and embracing the BackboneJS philosophy.
Use of several other JS libraries including MomentJS and Bootstrap.

Localmint Ltd

Dublin, Ireland. 2014 - 3 months

End-of-studies project. Helping the start-up with its launch from NDRC Launchpad programme (start-up accelerator) by implementing web-scrapers in .NET to get retailers' details of two new markets : Australia and USA, and designing, implementing and releasing the first version of the Android application based on the iOS one. (the app on the PlayStore)

Solog SA - IT Services Company

Geneva, Switzerland. 2013 - 4 months

Researches on how to implement a layout engine for mobile applications including HTML and CSS parsing, a CSS selector engine and a rendering engine. Then developing the MVC's View part of a mobile application (HTML5, CSS3, knockout.js) for a sport federation. Flat design and easy-to-browse application were parts of requirements.

European Organization for nuclear research (CERN)

Geneva, Switzerland. 2012 - 2 months

Measurement of the real-time performance of the FESA 3.0 framework (used in LHC's front-end devices) : Setting up and implementing a measurement plan to get viable statistics about the real-time performance of the FESA 3.0 framework in order to compare these results with other versions of the framework. Analyzing and presenting the results to FESA users.

LCL (French bank)

Ferney-Voltaire, France. 2011 - 2 months

Front-office employee. Responsible for usual transactions (transfers, deposits, withdrawals) and dealing with client requests.

Students representative at the governing body of INSA Lyon

INSA Lyon, France. 2010 - 2011

Management of a grocery for students (La COOP) - Community Service

INSA Lyon, France. 2011 - 2013


INSA Lyon (French School of Engineering) – School of Computer Science

Lyon, France. 2009 - 2014

Graduated in September 2014.

Project management, programming (C/C++, Java), databases (Oracle, PL/SQL), network.

We analysed and worked on all the steps of an IT project :
  • getting the requirements from a client,
  • analysing the market and the existing solutions,
  • designing the architecture of a solution (using different types of UML diagrams),
  • implementing the solution and managing the team (AGILE methods),
    • mobile application (Android) for Web-of-things monitoring solution (Home automation),
    • solution for efficient round planning for a transportation company (using Dijkstra algorithm),
    • data mining using Knime software,
    • solution for automating and monitoring a supply chain with communication between Linux (C++) and Windows (C#) machines,
  • designing test plans using Junit (Java).
We were divided into groups of 6 people including a team manager in charge of communication, scheduling tasks and managing people, and a quality manager to make sure the requirements were satisfied and the tests were run.
We also learnt the basics of database management (Oracle Database 10g).

Trinity College Dublin – School of Computer Science (Erasmus)

Dublin, Ireland. 2013 - First Semester (Sep-Dec)

Programming (Java, OpenGL, OpenCV, PHP, JavaScript), distributed systems, entrepreneurship.

Among the different projects we worked on :
  • we solved computer vision problems using the industry standard library OpenCV 2 (C++) like edge detection, video tracking and recognition.
  • we designed an e-business broker website to buy and sell luxury watches (I was in charge of managing the project) using a MySQL database, PHP on server-side and HTML5 + CSS3 + jQuery on client-side.
  • we built a basic video game using the library OpenGL 4 to become familiar with the OpenGL pipeline (from vertices coordinates to displayed objects).
  • we analysed the issues of concurrency, replication and coordination in distributed systems and designed a peer-to-peer search engine using UDP sockets (Java).
  • we studied human factors in order to design a complex interface (for both mobile and web applications) for a fictional office in charge of flooding prevention (based on scenarios).

High School diploma with distinction (score > 80%)

Cessy (Ain), France. 2009

Mathematics (95 %), Physics and Chemistry (90 %), Biology (90 %).